Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Day-to-day living with the ES777A and other ramblings

Well this is a bit embarassing. I originally thought I would be updating this blog often with new fixes and other things for the ES777A, but as it turns out - it's been a pretty easy experience. The thing just pretty much works.

I will be doing more posts on other things like the chip installation, OBD2 plug etc later. Right now I'm pretty busy at work but I will keep answering your comments every day. I've had thousands of visits and dozens of comments on a small blog which I thought maybe only a few interested people would read. So thanks to all readers for that!

But I'd like to address a couple of usage issues as I've now been using the ES777A for almost three months on a daily basis. The way that you use it matters quite much. It seems that you will be experiencing the least amount of problems if you follow these basic rules:

1. Always let the system do a "full cycle" with the power. What I mean by this is that you should leave the pad connected to main unit when you turn off the power on your car. This will initiate a controlled shut down on the pad and it will be in sync with the main unit's power cycle.

2. Either let the unit start up before connecting the pad OR connect the pad (in shut down mode) while the main unit is turned off. This will allow the pad to be turned on by the main unit in a controlled manner. If you have the pad already on (even with the screen turned off), chances are that it will reboot when you connect it to the main unit.

3. For best sound quality results use the main unit's player software. The sound quality in the main unit is very good, there's very little noise and distortion. On the pad the story is a little different, the noise level is worse and the sound in general is not quite as good. This is not to say that it's unusable or even very bad. Just that given the option I at least will choose the better sound quality of the main unit over the better usability of the Android media player softwares on the pad.

Finally, for absolute the best results in everything - just leave the pad connected to the main unit. When you turn off the car the pad will shut down properly and when you start again the pad will turn on too. Of course this might not suit everyone, i.e. if you are afraid of burglars stealing your stuff (I park my car in a locked car park building at home and in a private garage at work), but if this applies to you I recommend it.